Sunday, 5 February 2012

and......I'm 18! :D

And......I'M 18! :D

And......I'M 18! :D by nikigirl featuring louis vuitton bags

So yesterday was my 18th and I feel so much more positive about life right now, which is kind of crazy considering everyone expects the day after a birthday to be depressing, but I always enjoy things more in retrospect! Seriously though, I had a great day, we're talking, family, friends, presents, champagne, cocktails, clubs, Nandos, a whole load of snow (resulting in some serious snow ball fights/ half-sober snow angels) and to top it all everyone else seemed to be having a great time too, which means a lot to me - my friends are so generous! <3

Oh yeah, and photo day was awkward, but it wasn't terrible - I guess some things really aren't as bad as they seem. ANYWAY, back to my 18th, I got a lovely new laptop which I'm typing this on now! I think it just became real to me that this is the year my adult life begins, and hopefully in less than 8 months time this very same laptop will be sitting in my university room with my somewhere! Exciting times ahead!

I'm literally sitting here surrounded by birthday cards/ balloons whilst typing in bed (for me, this is new - I've never had a laptop)....feels surreal, but good, especially with all of the snow still outside!

I love this image, I made it weeks ago in preparation for my 18th, I just thought it looked so chic and outgoing, it suited 18 as the age when you really start to live your own life (even though I don't normally like red) so this image, as well as being on my Polyvore, is also my desktop for my new laptop <3 !

Everyone reading this - have a great day!

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