Sunday, 4 March 2012


I am genuinely excited by the fact that I've now had over 3000 page views on this blog, which is pretty incredible considering that 99% of it is made up of random thoughts (usually abstract and with some kind of motivational overtone) that I would have expected to only make sense to me.

Saying that, I have no gurarantee that anyone actually viewing this blog actually knows/cares/ understands what I'm talking about. They might just like looking at pictures or something...

Speaking of which! It's been ages since I did any image editing on GIMP, so guess what I did last week? Yep, you're looking at it, and I know it's kind of "Valentine's-Day" themed, but love can last the whole year, right? The layers aren't quite as well-blended as I would have liked, but overall I'm quite happy with it, but that's mainly because of the quality of the original images, I think.

I haven't done a crazy amount this week (like every week) but it's still been pretty good, so I'm happy :) oh, and last weekend I went to a city I'd never been to before, and it was sunny, and the whole town turned out to be massive and had loads of different sections to it, so I had fun just exploring - it made me want summer now :( I miss just being able to roam around "foreign"/ new places, for hours, without a timetable and with the weather being nice...

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